Government of India
Ministry of Environment and Forests
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110510
Indian Institute of Forest Management is an autonomous academic institution under the Ministry of Environment & Forests(MoEF), Govt. of India, situated at Bhopal. It is a premier national level Institute engaged in education, training, research and consultancy in the area of natural resource management. The MoEF proposes to fill up the post of Director, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal. Applications from eligible and willing candidates are invited for appointment to the above mentioned post. The particulars are given below:-
1. Scale of Pay: HAG+ Rs.75,500-80,000 (Annual increment @ 3%).
2. Eligibility: Officers/Academicians of the Governments/Universities/Other
Recognized Institutes/Organizations serving on regular basis with minimum two years of completed service in the HAG scale : Rs.67,000-(annual increment @3%) 79,000 or equivalent grades or above.
3. Essential Qualifications: The candidate should have
(i) Ph.D or equivalent with outstanding academic track record.
(ii) 20 years of administrative/management/research/teaching experience including 10 years experience in forestry and allied sectors.
The ideal candidate would have a mix of administrative and academic leadership in institution-building, promoting education and research, and would have displayed interest in the problem of environment/forestry/wildlife issues.
4. Age: Should not ordinarily exceed 55 years as on 01.07.2012. In exceptional cases the age limit may be relaxed by the Search-cum-Selection Committee.
5. Terms and Conditions: Appointment shall be for a period not exceeding 5 years or date of superannuation whichever is earlier.
Note: The applications of those in the government service must be sent through Proper Channel along with the records of Confidential Reports and Vigilance Clearance.
6. Last Date for receipt of Applications: Interested candidates may submit their applications in the prescribed format which can be downloaded at and send to - Shri Pascal Ekka, SO (RT), Room
No.114, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 510 latest by 10th October, 2012. (Please write: “Application for the post of Director, IIFM” on the envelope).
For More Information
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